Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It's a big fat bloated primary day...

...if you're voting today, please consider this little-known candidate from Chicago by way of Indonesia by way of Hawaii by way of 15 other places:

That's right! After months of internal debate, back room maneuvering, and perfume-scented letters from the candidates, Better Chatter has decided to officially endorse Barack Obama in the Democratic Primary! We plan on spending the next several weeks throwing our considerable political capital and wealth behind him-our only hope is that it isn't too late to make a difference...


Tracy said...

Hi Josh,
I just read your comment about Obama and found it interesting. I,personally, am still backing Ms. Clinton. I feel she has great health care ideas and would be a good leader. I must admit, although, it is very difficult to know how someone will be in office until they are there. Are you a wealthy individual? I seen that you will be backing Obama with your monies. Interesting. I enjoy reading you blog. Have a great day!

Ami said...

Hmm. As Salon says, he IS becoming the establishment candidate. First, Ted Kennedy. Now, better chatter!

I will be backing Hillary because I think she's been a pretty awesome senator, especially when it came to letting me keep control of my own uterus, and also because I feel like she has been a force for good her whole life.

I like Obama, too, I just think he's not quite experienced enough to be president.